Sunday, January 6, 2013


Here are some videos of Rosie that I never posted. She's grown up so much since then.

Some "monkey tricks" at 8 months.

 For a long time Rose was stuck on "mama", then she changed to "baba", as seen here, then eventually it was all about "dada". We still don't think she knows what they mean, but she sure has fun saying them.

My cousin let us borrow this jumper for a while and Rosie had lots of fun bouncing around. She eventually thought she was too cool for it.

This is Rosie's first time crawling at about 9 months. She had been doing some scooting on her bum, and even gone backwards, but this is the first time she's used her knees and gone forward.

We had to videotape it again once daddy came home. It was just too exciting.


  1. she is just such a sweetie! thanks for posting Ashley!!

  2. Glad you're back at blogging! Missed ya.

    And Rose is so cute in these videos. :)
