Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Lucky Number 7

Rosie is seven months and sitting up by herself! And she sure likes it. In fact, try to put her down any other way and she'll let you know that's unacceptable. She was a little wobbly in the beginning, but now she's got it down and only falls over when she's reaching for a toy or her favorite book.

She also learned how to say "mama" and repeats it over and over again much to my delight. She doesn't know what it means yet, but it still sounds so good coming from her in her cute little voice. Andrew has begun coaching her on "dada" but so far it hasn't stuck.

Rose is finally sleeping in her crib now too. We transitioned her slowly from her swing.

For the past several months we've noticed that one of Rose's eyes had her bottom eyelashes growing up and getting stuck in her eye all the time. It never seemed to bother her, but it obviously made us concerned. At her six month check up the pediatrician had us referred to an eye doctor to see if she needed surgery. Luckily the eye doctor said it is a pretty common thing where the eye lid has an extra roll of skin. So he said she will most likely grow out of it and as long as it continues not to bother her, she should be fine. We were pretty relieved. Here are some photos of her at the eye doctor.

Rosie is eating lots of more solids and has a great time with it. She's had green beans, apple sauce, peas, squash, and prunes so far. She's liked the squash the best (from what I can gather) and green beans the least. 

She's still making her snarly monkey face all the time and we sure get a kick out of it.

She's our little princess!


  1. She is such a charming baby! Just looking at her makes me smile! I'm sure you're loving every minute you have with her this size! They grow up too fast!

  2. ooooh!! I love her!! and you 2... good luck with your move!
