Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Temple Ground Breaking

Last month we had the special privilege of attending the ground breaking for the new Provo City Center Temple for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. That will make two temples in Provo! It was a beautiful service and Elder Holland from the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles spoke. The temple is being constructed from the remains of the old Provo Tabernacle that was partially burned down in December 2010. 

Sad Day!
We actually have a little story about it before it burned down. Although I have lived in Provo for years, I never took the opportunity to go inside the Tabernacle until Andrew and I were engaged. We were just driving around Provo trying to figure out what we wanted to do that night when Andrew suggested we go take a peak inside the tabernacle and see what was going on. It turned out to be a Christmas children's choir concert which was about half way in. We decided to stay and listen to the last half and had a great time enjoying the angelic performance. It turned out to be a very memorable date. We were so shocked, however, to find out just a few weeks later that the tabernacle had burned down. It made me so grateful that I had had the opportunity to go inside before it was too late. But now we are so happy that it is being turned into a temple, a beautiful new house of God.

What a beautiful day!
Elder Holland walked right by us when he made his way to the front.

Here are a few of Elder Holland's remarks.

1 comment:

  1. Fun! We used to go to the Provo Tabernacle for Stake Conference. So I was sad when it had a fire and glad that they're making it into a temple.thanks for sharing this!
