Rose also loves to pant when she gets excited which is almost all the time (but especially when Daddy is around.)
She still needs to be supported while sitting, mostly because she ends up curling into a ball from whatever position she is in. She does roll over pretty often when placed on her tummy, probably because she still hates it and wants to get to her back fast. Rosie has started a couple of other new tricks. She has started to growl and what I call a snarl. Basically at first I thought she had a stuffy nose, because she would sniff really hard while making a snarly face (Andrew calls it a baby monkey face). But she keeps doing it, so I think she just has fun doing it. The video is only a mild version of the snarl because she didn't perform well under pressure.
Rosie has also learned the sign for milk. I taught it to her for only a couple of weeks when she was around 4 months, and then I gave up because I read somewhere that babies don't learn sign language til after 6 months. But a few weeks ago she started doing the sign out of the blue for the first time. I couldn't believe that she remembered it. I don't know if this is correlated, but she also has been eating much better in general.
Side note: Andrew still doesn't believe she knows the sign. He thinks it's a coincidence when her hand resembles the sign. I obviously disagree. If only Rosie could talk and let us know who is right.
She weighed 13 lbs 3 oz at her 6 month check-up (still working on doubling her birth weight), measured 25.1 inches long and a 16.6 in head circumference. Just the last couple days Rosie has started joining in when I sing her a lullaby before putting her down for a nap. She is such a cute singer!
Happy Six Months! |