Monday, April 30, 2012

Graduation Day!

Andrew and I had the rare opportunity to graduate together from Brigham Young University this month. Andrew graduated with his Master's degree in English, and I graduated with my Bachelor's degree in Ancient Near Eastern Studies with a minor in Management. It was an exciting two days! 


We had the love and support of our family from both sides celebrating with us. Especially my Mom and Dad who made a special effort to come from Texas, as well as Andrew's grandparents from Arizona. Thursday was Commencement Day where we got to hear from Elder Dallin H. Oaks of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. My Mom and Aunt Kara did a great job watching our little Rose while we sat with all the graduates. Then we all went out to eat at Olive Garden.

The next day was Convocation where we walked across the stage and received our diploma. Since Rose had done so well the day before, I decided that she was going to walk with us. That morning I scrambled to put together a little cap to go with her beautiful blue and white dress. The results were better than I could have ever hoped for.
She looked absolutely adorable. I don't know how many people asked to take our picture throughout the evening or stopped to take a peak at our little family of graduates. And I'm so glad I decided to walk with her because it was the most wonderful feeling to walk across the stage with Rosie in my arms. After all, she had been there with me, kicking away, as I finished up my last semester at BYU. It was only fitting that she should be there too. And it was amazing that she was so good throughout the whole ceremony. In fact, the speaker must have been a little boring, because she slept peacefully in my arms for most of it. It was while she was sleeping that it really hit me that I was graduating from BYU. There were a lot of times I didn't think I'd make it. It wasn't easy, but I'm so glad I did. I couldn't have done it without the support of my sweet husband, my parents, and others. I will always treasure my time at the Y.

Well, graduation was a success! And it was so fun to have our family there with us. And now it's on to University of Utah where we'll begin a new degree for Andrew, a new city to live in, and a new chapter in our lives.


  1. I'm impressed with that hat you made Rosie! So cute! Glad you had a nice graduation! Wish we could have been there!

  2. Seriously so cute! Rosie is SO adorable and that dress is perfect for graduation! Yeah I'm impressed with that cap too!
    Scott and I walked together at Graduation--me at 7 months pregnant...not as cute ;)
    So are you guys moving up to Salt Lake?

    1. Thanks Katie! Oh and yes we're moving in August. But not too far away. We still need to get together though sometime this summer so we can have our new babies meet.

  3. I LOVE that you walked with Rose. (She looks darling in the hat you made, by the way.) What a monumental day for your family.

  4. These photos are so great! They bring back the wonderful memory of that day. And, while I find myself focusing on your adorable Rose, it was /your/ graduation day. Congratulations on such a great milestone. I didn't pick up the fact that you had created Rose's little graduation cap. It was so perfect, I thought it was "store bought!"
