Thursday, January 31, 2013

13 months

All grown up and sporting pigtails

Rosie has been making some huge changes these last couple of weeks, and I can hardly keep up with it. It is so exciting! She's gone from standing with support, to walking while pushing her cart, to standing up without any help, to taking her first steps. The cutest thing is that she's so pleased with herself afterwards. She knows she's turning into a big girl.

I missed her first steps, but it was only fair since Andrew missed her first crawl.

She's also turning into quite the talker. She's advanced her vocabulary from "ball" to "hi", "bye, bye", "baby", and "this" all in a few days time. We've noticed her starting to parrot some words as well. I just can't believe how fast she's growing up.


  1. Oh my goodness Ashely! Rosie is adorable! Those big eyes just make my heart melt! I cannot believe that she is already over a year old and walking! Time moves by too fast! Tell her to stay like this for a couple more years and then she can get a little older okay?

    1. Thanks Arynn! I know, I'm amazed looking at photos of her when she was a newborn. She changes too quick.

  2. Darling! Love the pigtails! And thanks for the birthday package. We love your new family picture.
